
Mostrando postagens de 2022


 sinto-me como se não devesse existir como um fardo sinto que deveria ser outra pessoa e penso no que deve ser feito para eu ser essa outra ao mesmo tempo sinto que não deveria mudar que não é preciso deixar de ser quem sou sumir e esvair do meu ambiente de existência  não mereço viver o que tenho pra viver pois sou um fardo. não consigo mudar quem sou eu e tampouco consigo debulhar em lágrimas todas essas feridas internas que se acumulam, se multiplicam e sangram todos os dias meu único momento de estancamento açucarado é quando estou nos braços dele e aquele cheiro a princípio tão insignificante é a minha cura momentânea e viciosa para essa minha dor de existir eu me odeio, mas eu me amo mais quando estou com ele e me odeio mais ainda por ter esse vício em querer fugir de mim mesma, em esquecer quem sou e por que existo quero um dia parar de ter medo e tremer tanto por tentar viver sendo eu mesma sou proibida de tal tentativa porque tanto me protegem que prefiro morrer, isto...


Eros & Psique - Antonio Canova  What is that witchcraft of yours that makes me think about you as soon as I wake up until I fall asleep? Twenty miles away is what divide us but that distance is the one thing that makes me crave being with you now; Why and how did you choose me to be the target of your arrows, these heart-shaped arms that send me attention and affection just because I am the subject of your mind?  I beg you to make me feel more of it, longer and stronger, for I want to be with you and give my heart away to such tender passion, this strange addiction of giving and receiving in a pure and worthy way; I swear I’m trying not to think this is all fun and games, a lie, because from a broken heart there is nothing else to get But sadness and disappointment  And as a queen of disappointments I wish to throw my crown away and dive into your waters, Which,  I’m sure, are a nice place to surrender [in your arms].


Forget-me-not flowers. Source: unknown, Pinterest Oh, to touch that skin of yours and feel the excitement and electricity of meeting someone new. Getting to know you bit by bit, twenty miles away from me  —  such an amazing discovery. Wondering if it's all fun and games, Reason warns me: the attitude, my dear, it never lies. There is a blur in my mind whenever I'm talking to you as if I can't do nothing else but learn more about this life of yours and share mine. Fear and discouragement, still on the way, saying: "do it not, for it'll go wrong again. Life's a box full of disappointments and we need not another for our collection." I try not to raise expectations as my heart is imprisioned, once again, for fantasizing excessively.  Protective measures, you see. But I go on, still; I crave you. To start feeling deared, and loved, and cared for by other than not your family and friends is such a miracle that it seems a lie:  A lie I want not to end, for I wan...


Today was hard to breathe. The air, light and clean, My toughts, heavy and unwilling to leave. What to study first it's difficult to mend. Chest hurts. Can't even outburst my heart's content. No wonder I need to go  back to therapy. The daylight is scary, but wish it to never end. The night has come  and so has anxiety. Sudden relief. Quietness, dark's bequeath. A strong desire: to live,  to study, to paint,  and to breathe. And then there's guilt Guilt for not taking care (But I am trying, I swear) of a future spilt.