Echelon (english version)
I write this to try to show the world and the 30 Seconds to Mars how is it possible that people who we have never seen in our lives can change us and give us lessons in a roundabout way. I try to demonstrate that the echelon is alive. Jared Leto, Shannon Leto and Tomislav Milicevic, this is for you. And I hope from my heart taht you will this some day an feel how you are able to save the life of a young girl an also of several other people.
I discovered the band at one of the desesperatte moments of my life in wich I was discouraged, tired an collapsed with everything. I dare say that even thinking about death. In high school, however they deny, I know they all hate me for some reason, especially because I am hearing impaired ( Yes, you have a deaf fan, but one hear with the help of hearing aids and can understand other languages).
Until I decided to research more about you, and I completely fell for everyone. Since then, all you are teaching me some thing you know, what kind of emptiness we feel, when we find ourselves and not others? This is exactly how I feel from time to time. And it is from there that try to comfort me and fill me with music. Tolerating my life and listening to the messages that you have to go, my loves. It’s amazing, you know, how much you saved me and taught me, the more I know deep in bullshit true personality and maybe you might have. But I love you anyway, because you saved my life and taught me so many important things. Your life is etched in me. Whatever you do, be it right or wrong, show me something. Your attitudes make me evaluate and think about the world. Indirectly, you help me to tolerate this chaotic world in wich we live. And it’s all a crazy way, musical, loving, welcoming, inspiring. Because the foolishness of yours looks like mine. I get to say that is identical, if not for the approximate 44 years difference between us. I love you, dammit. I feel in love chaos of you three. You pass me many importante things, all the time.
Ah, boys. I know you are tired of reading texts of love echelon, but I’m trying to be different. I want you to touch that we care about you every syllable you drop. You are the impetus for the changes we want to make in our lives. You are like our parents, only disguised as famous people and they have a very important role to be played in the world.
Some people wonder how I can handle a ton of my morning commitments, personnel and school pressure and on top of that as I can pass in all subjects with maximum scores for such an amount of difficulty, this is insane. I would love to meet you, people and thank you. You motivate me not to lose concentration. I do not give up anything from what I’m doing and to have will power and believe that one day everything will be fine, you only change my life for better, is something to be impressed ! They are wise because everything here really is a cult! This is not just a band, so everything here really is an escape from life and a few people will know that and understand what I’m saying!
JARED. You taught me what it is to have humility, you show me what is honesty, wich is to deal with the “pain” of life, to have respect for this. And also venture to say that you are the “respect” of lust, in any sense, be silly or not. I feel totally illuminated with you, I lose myself in the comfort of your voice. I joke that you are Jesus, understand me? Because, hey, this is what you pass to the Echelon Family.
SHANNON, you show the skill that we have with our talents and how they help in when we are totally lost on the wrong things. Your brother has taken you is away from drugs and this is absolutely wonderful. You teach us to have faith, never give up anything, to never be afraid of life. Heck, huh?
TOMISLAV, or better, Tomo. Great human being in the world, always smiling, laughing, teaching us to come to terms with everything and also to respect other living beings. Always supporting the defense of animal rights.
I put the CD to play, I close my eyes and I feel the music and the lyrics. You can still withstand everything a bit. You can still totally change things. Still time. Because I lose myself in the comfort of your soul. The voice, the laughter, the sound of music that makes you feel great. The impact you have on me is huge. I know all the events of your life. All changes that somehow helps. That how I feel every day.
You are the embrace that I never had. You teach me to live through the comfort of each song, each attitude. And that is why I believe I can have faith in everything. I have the pride of being echelon. And you are my main secrets, worldwide looking for someone who understands me.
You are orchestrated in all aspects of life. You know and also do not know what you should do, because I know, I feel, I see, I dream you still have a yearning, a pang deep in the chest. I do not care how long it takes for you to become scrambled with me, with my history or my declaration of love. I do not care about anything, since you know that I exist, that you have full idea of my love for the group. It is not only an exchange of favors! I feel everything, everything that you go through that most do not give us. I always want you to be well and make mistakes when you teach me something obvious. I feel, I see, I delude myself looking for always wanting the comfort of you! And my love is huge! Can I show you what I feel is unique? That what I feel is something worthwhile? That I’ll take this with me to the last beat of my heart? Did I make you are moved as never before I was touched? Because I love you. And it’s forever. Know that each of you, brothers Leto and Tomo, you will always be teaching me everything and nothing. Or almost. And it is. I hope that someday, God willing, if desired universe conspiring in our favor, if you communicate with me, or in 30 seconds, in MARS!
I’m happy to tell you that I will be in the audience that will see your show in Brasilia, next October 21st.
Isabella Vitória Ramalho, 13 years old and brazilian
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